Before You Spend Money on Digital Marketing (Part 1 of 2)
3 Website Optimization Tactics
I’ve taken many calls from small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) who were struggling to produce sales and sign-ups on their website. Two major reasons causing this was:
) Lack of streamlined conversion paths on their website which created barriers to a purchase or sign up.
) Missing the mark on customer experience. From what their ad says to where the viewers land on their site, a cohesive experience was missing.
Today, I want to focus on the first reason. Before you spend a single penny on digital marketing efforts, I recommend that you review your website and consider optimizing it with these 3 simple website optimization tips:
Once you’re ready to direct more traffic to your website via digital marketing, reach out to ( and I’d be more than happy to guide you through growth opportunities for your business and other digital marketing strategies.
Matthew Ng - July 6
Tags: digital marketing, online advertising, website design, website tips, website optimization