Automating Data to Deliver the Right Message

Whether you are a B2B, B2C or e-commerce business, it’s critical to nurture customers appropriately. During my time at Google I had the privilege of working with many different businesses across various industries and sizes. Each one of them were unique, had their own customer life cycles, and needed custom online advertising strategies.

Online advertising allowed us to create tailored ads for customers; however the problem was that customers transitioned between customer life cycle stages at different rates which made it difficult to tailor ads for the right moment.

The Solution:

Mapping out moments when their business interacts with customers and utilizing data sources to create clear insight on customer segments. Once customer segments were identified, we set up automated processes to connect their data sources to their online ads platform. All of this enabled their ads to show to customers at the right time with the right message.

One example of how they implemented this was to leverage Zapier to integrate and automatically update their online ad platform’s customer segments. As soon as a customer transitioned from one stage to the next, their ad targets would automatically update and specific ad messages would display precisely for each customer.

Bottom Line: 

It’s critical to nurture your customers appropriately. Map your customer flows, identify your data sources, and automate these insights to your online ads platform. Of the businesses I've worked with, those who prioritized delivering the right message at the right time not only improved response rates from customers but also reduced costs. 

If you have any questions or would like an opinion on setup for your business, reach out to me ( any time! 

Matthew Ng - June 21

Tags: digital marketing, online advertising, google ads, adwords, offline conversions, customer experience, automation, zapier